New Years Resolutions

We spent our Christmas in St. George this year with Aaron’s parents, Heather and Michael, and their kids Emerson and Finley. I was on call on December 26th so we couldn’t go too far. It was a very relaxing and wonderful Christmas. This was the first year that Aaron and I didnt buy Christmas presents for each other. Instead we went on a couple shopping dates together and just picked out some things we wanted. I thought there was a chance it would make Christmas a dud not being able to open Christmas presents on the day of, but it actually turned out great.

I woke Aaron up early yesterday morning, told him he had 20 min to get ready, and that I had a surprise for him. He quickly figured out we were going on a mini road trip. We headed out towards the Bonneville Salt Flats and just drove till we found a decent destination. It was a lot of fun and reminded me of the reasons that I fell in love with Aaron. On the way out there we saw a big factory looking thing with a tower. Aaron mentioned that the tower was called a Silo. I’d never heard of that name before and asked Aaron what he thought about the baby name being Silo. Haha. After a little while and debating with some friends  we decided we better not name our baby after a granary. We are still struggling to find a name we both love.

For our New Years resolutions Aaron  and I decided we would do 3 different resolutions. One personal, one for the two of us, and one spiritual. For the two of us we decided that we were each going to plan at least one big date each month and one small date so that we would have a date once a week. We will see how it goes. I’m excited though and hope lots of memories will be made. 
